Maintaining Your Nav Bar Tabs
Did you know you can make changes to your Community Builder navigation bar tabs?
Add or remove navigation bar tabs from the navigation bar.
Change the order of the navigation bar tabs.
Choose a different image or upload your own image.
Select no image at all (text only navigation bars).
Select no text at all (image only navigation bars).
Alter the navigation bar text.
Change the color of the navigation bar text.
Make the navigation bar text flash from dim to bright.
For all of these tasks you will first need to:
Login to your Community Builder admin account.
Click the (Patron Site Configuration Options) button in the lower right quadrant.
Click the (Navigation Bar Tabs) button.
To add or remove a navigation bar tab:
Click on the row in the table for the navigation bar tab you want to make changes to.
Select Yes or No from the drop down lists:
Include in Nav Bar Y/N: --> includes or excludes the navigation bar tab from the large device navigation bar.
Include in Mobile Nav Bar Y/N: --> includes or excludes the navigation bar tab from the small device navigation bar (i.e. a phone).
Click the (Save the Nav Bar) button.
Change the order of the navigation bar tabs:
For large devices:
Select (Include in Web Nav Bar = Y) from the Filter By: drop down list.
Enter the order number in the Tab Order (edit) column of the table.
Click the (Reorder Tabs) button.
For small devices:
Select (Include in Mobile Nav Bar = Y) from the Filter By: drop down list
Enter the order number in the Tab Order (edit) column of the table.
Click the (Reorder Tabs) button.
Choose a different image or upload your own image:
To select a different system image:
Click on the row in the table for the navigation bar tab you want to make changes to.
Click the (Select a System Nav Bar Image) button.
Make a selection from the Select a Nav Bar Image Type: drop down list.
These correspond directly with the different navigation bar functions.
Check the box of the row that contains the image you want.
Click the (Apply the selected Nav Bar Image) button.
Click the (Save the Nav Bar Record) button.
To select a your own image:
Click on the row in the table for the navigation bar tab you want to make changes to.
Click the (Select Your Own Nav Bar Image) button.
Click the (New Nav Bar Image) button).
Enter a name for the image (not the file name) but your own name you are assigning to it.
Enter the actual file name or Click the (Choose File) button to select the image from your hard drive.
Click the (Create New Nav Bar image) button.
Tip: At this point you have created the record but the image still needs to be uploaded.
Click the (Upload Nav Bar images) button and select the file to be uploaded then click the (upload Files) button and then the (Finished) button.
Click the (Your Nav Bar Images) button to go back to the list of your navigation bar images.
Check the box of the row that contains the image you want.
Click the (Apply the selected Nav Bar Image) button.
Click the (Save the Nav Bar Record) button.
Select no image at all (i.e. for text only navigation bars):
Click on the row in the table for the navigation bar tab you want to make changes to.
Remove the image name from the Tab Image Name: field.
Click the (Save the Nav Bar Record) button.
Select no text at all (i.e. for image only navigation bars):
Click on the row in the table for the navigation bar tab you want to make changes to.
Remove the text from the Tab Text HTML: field.
Click the (Save the Nav Bar Record) button.
Alter the navigation bar text:
Click on the row in the table for the navigation bar tab you want to make changes to.
Alter the text in the field Tab Text HTML:
Tip: You can use simple HTML tags here such as bold or break to adjust the text on the navigation bar tab.
Use these tags judiciously as there is very little room to maneuver within the navigation bar tab.
Click the (Save the Nav Bar Record) button.
Change the color of the navigation bar text:
Click on the row in the table for the navigation bar tab you want to make changes to.
Make a selection from the Tab Text Color Override: drop down list.
Click the (Save the Nav Bar Record) button.
Make the navigation bar text flash from dim to bright:
Click on the row in the table for the navigation bar tab you want to make changes to.
Select Yes from the Set Menu to Blink Y/N: drop down list box.
Click the (Save the Nav Bar Record) button.