Self Populating E-mails Lists and E-mail Signup Plugin Module

Did you know you can setup numerous self populating e-mail lists and display them for people to signup to in a plugin module?
For all of these tasks you will first need to:
  1. Login to your Community Builder admin account.
Create a new self populating signup e-mail list.
  1. Click the (E-mail and Segmentation Admin) button.
  2. Click the (Setup an E-mail List) button.
  3. Click the (Build an E-mail List) button.

  4. Enter a list name.
  5. Plugin Display Text: If this list is to be displayed in a plugin module (which in this case it is) you can enter some text which describes what the e-mail list is for and why people may want to add their e-mail address to the list.
  6. Signup Accessible to Admin/Mem/Pub: Choose the access level a person will need to be able to add their e-mail address to the list. For self populating e-mail lists choose [Public] so anyone that visits your community will see the e-mail signup field and will be allowed to enter their e-mail address.
  7. Show On Plugin Module Y/N: Select Yes if this e-mail list will be displayed in the plugin module.
  8. E-mail lists must have at least one e-mail address to get created so enter an e-mail address into the [New E-mail Addresses:] text area. A good idea is to add your own e-mail address to the list so when you send out e-mails to a list you can verify that the e-mails are being sent since you should also receive an e-mail.
  9. Click the (Create New E-mail List) button.
  10. Click the (Back to E-mail Admin Sub-Panel) button.
  11. Remember, you can create multiple e-mail address lists for different purposes and make them available for people to signup for.
Turn on the e-mail plugin module.
  1. From the main administration panel click the (Patron Site Configuration Options) button.
  2. Click the (Patron Account Config. Plugins) button.
  3. Select the public or member page you want the e-mail signup module to appear on.
  4. Select from [Filter on Column:]. Select the column where column = N. This will filter all of the plugins that are NOT yet displayed in the column.
  5. Click on the row item "EmailAddressSignup".
  6. Select the column or columns you want the e-mail signup module to appear in.
  7. Enter the order numer of the e-mail signup module to appear.
  8. Click the (Save Plugin Module Name) button.
  9. Refresh your community page to make sure the e-mail signup module appears in the correct column and in the correct order.
  10. This is an example of a single e-mail list displayed in the plugin module that people can add their e-mail address to.