When uploading a video you can set many parameters associated with your videos. A few are listed here.
- Video Name:
- Video Description:
- Play Preview Y/N:
- Show Donate Button Y/N:
- Show For Sale Button Y/N:
- Price $:
- Choose 3 video Topics:
- Date Recorded:
- Key Words:
- Video Resolution:
- Video Shared With:
- Comments On Y/N:
Upload a video and a preview teaser image that is displayed for members to click on to view the video.
The video display page lets people find videos that interest them with quick filter by topic and sort options.
The upload feature lets a member upload a new version of a video without having to delete and re-upload both
the teaser image and the preview video (if they uploaded one) and also fill out all of the associated video data again. This
can save a lot of time if your video versions change frequently.
Share your videos at whatever level you choose.
- Keep them private:
- Share them only with the community members you choose:
- Share them with the whole community:
- Share with Everyone including non community members (this is only an administrator capability):
If you make a video sharable with community members you can share your videos with the specific community members
you select. If you share a video with another community member they will receive an email with a link to watch the video and
the video will show up in their menu 'Videos Shared With Me'.
Members can subscribe to another community member's videos so that videos they post and make available through sharing will
appear in the subscribers 'My Video Subscriptions' page.
When uploading a video you can set a donate button on the video player page so members can help support your video productions.
When uploading a video you can additionally upload a shorter preview video that is played instead of the full video. You
can then set a purchase button on the video player page which lets other members purchase and download the full video to watch.
Community member's My Videos - sub navigation menus:
- My Uploaded Videos - Videos the member has uploaded.
- My Video Subscriptions - Members you are subscribed to.
- Videos I am Sharing - A list of the members and the videos you have shared with them.
- Videos Shared With Me - A list of videos other members have shared with you.
- My Video Subscribers - What members have subscribed to your video uploads.
Create customized video topics that can be associated with the videos being uploaded. Members can use these topics to quickly
find the videos that they are interested in.
A new search page has been implemented to help you manage all of your uploaded videos. You can search all of your videos by the
following criteria:
- Uploaded After Date:
- Uploaded Prior to Date:
- Partial Video Name:
- Video Size in (KB) - Greater Or Less Than: